Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sunshine Award!

The lovely Hope from Beauty & Bliss nominated me for the Sunshine Award! Thank you so much!! Her blog is amazing and you have to go check it out. Now on to the tag...

1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers you feel deserve this award.
4. Write 11 questions for them to answer in their award post.
5. Let your 11 bloggers know you nominated them.

11 facts about me:
1. I am a christian. I love Jesus very, very much. 
2. I have 2 boxers who are the loves of my life. One is an older dog and the other is a puppy. They have the cutest personalities!
3. I am in college studying psychology. I live in a super cute studio apartment that's minutes away from my school.
4. I love to sing. I'm constantly singing all hours of the day.
5. I also love writing. I write poetry a lot and also love writing fiction.
6. My favorite thing to do is read. I love reading books more than anything in the world.
7. I am addicted to diet coke! I know it's not healthy but uhhh, I LOVE IT.
8. I am a really, really good baker. I love making homemade cookies, cupcakes, and pies!
9. I love watching sports! Basketball, football, and soccer.
10. I'm addicted to Netflix and YouTube. I rarely watch cable anymore!
11. I love blogging so much. I really hope to make a career of it some day! I also want to start a YouTube channel.

11 Questions from Hope:
1. Do you exercise frequently or on rare occasions?
I exercise regularly! 4-5 time per week. I really try to stay up on my fitness and I strive to the healthiest I can be!

2. Why do you love blogging?
It is such a great outlet for my creativity! I love writing. I am also a bit beauty obsessed so I am constantly buying and trying products. I love to share my thoughts about those products and help others find the best beauty products out there!

3. What is your favorite place to shop for clothing? 
Ann Taylor LOFT. They have the cutest stuff and it's not ridiculously expensive!

4. How long have you been blogging/making YouTube videos(if you have a channel)?
I have been blogging for a little under 5 months now. I don't have a YouTube channel at the moment, but I plan on starting one very soon and I could not be more excited!

5. Do you have any hidden talents?
Yes! Like I said in my facts, I can sing and not many people know that about me. I love music so much.

6. What is your favorite brand for eye shadows? 
For higher end shadows, I would have to say MAC shadows are my favorite. They are super blendable and pigmented, and they have minimal fallout. For drugstore, my favorites most definitely are Wet n' Wild shadows. They're shadows are crazy pigmented, buttery, and super cheap!

7. What is the one thing you have with you at all times? 
My phone! I feel completely naked without it!

8. What is your favorite holiday?
CHRISTMAS! Ahhh, Christmas time is the best time of the entire year. I love spending so much time with my family and my dogs and being off school. I love the baking tons of stuff. We have really amazing fireplaces at my house and my favorite thing to do ever is sit right next to them and read books. I just am so excited about Christmas, if you can't tell! I also LOVE snow! I hope we have a white christmas where I live this year!

9. What is your favorite type of blog post to do?
I love doing FOTD posts!

10. Do you decorate your room/house different for different holidays?
Yes! At my house, we decorate for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and we go all out for Christmas! I love putting up Christmas decorations!

11. What is the one thing you hope people gain from your blog?
I hope people learn something. I hope that I am able to give great recommendations for products that people are going to spend their money on. I also want to start posting more personal posts that may help girls with self-confidence. I have had many struggles with my own self-esteem and I want to start incorporating some posts with advice on how to build up confidence in yourself!

My nominees are...

My Questions:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is one makeup item you always splurge on?
3. If you could only choose 3 makeup items to use for the rest of your life, what would they be?
4. If you could only shop from one makeup brand, what would it be?
5. Where is your favorite place to shop for makeup?
6. Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?
7. What is favorite thing about blogging?
8. Who is your favorite fashion or beauty inspiration?
9. What are your favorite fall fashion or beauty trends?
10. If you could choose anything, what would your dream job be?
11. What is your favorite food?


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